lubak in english
How do you say lubak in English. Lúbak - B To crush pound beat. Luxury First Class Ac Chair Car In Livery Of Tejas Express Indian Railway Train Indian Railways Car Ins Begging pit road pits lane bumpy road rough road muddy road up the road. . Nagalúbak siá sing ságing sa lusóng. Road roads offroad bridges you lose in a rut pagkasira broken car. Lubak Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word lubak. Definition of the Tagalog word lubak-lubak in English. Human translations with examples. Iregular pumapalya hindi panay sumasala hindi tuwid. LUBAK-LUBAK is a word in Waray with its meaning in English. Bonnet of a coconut around the point of which the fruit is attached to the stem. He is pounding bananas in the rice-mortar. Lubak In English Quotes Sayings. The measure of artistic merit is the length to which a writer is willing to go in following his own compulsions. A rare...